About Us
So what is the Shed all about? Somerset Levels and Moors Shed (SLaMS) is a place for men (and women) with time on their hands. It has facilities to pursue hobbies, practical interests, share skills, learn new ones, help in community-inspired projects, develop new ideas and make new friends. Provided you are 18+, you can join.
Who are our typical "Shedders"? We have members who are out of work, carers needing time out, those with long term medical conditions, and many who are retired. We come from all walks of life.
What do we do? Present activities include woodworking, craft making, painting and wood turning. However it is the members who decide what goes on in the Shed. Above all, the Shed is a place to have fun, chat, drink tea and enjoy good company.
How are we run? SLaMS is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), registered charity number 1182815. We are affiliated to the UK Men's Shed Association (see below). There are no paid staff and our members volunteer to run it on a day to day basis. Trustee members guide the Shed on what it does, raise money for its operation and above all see that it stays inclusive, friendly, safe and viable.
When are we open? Each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:00 to 15:00. We may open on other days, subject to demand and availability of volunteer members to run the sessions.
Where are we? We are located in Canal View, a quiet and pleasant lane off Old Taunton Road, and adjacent to the Taunton- Bridgwater Canal. The Shed is close to public transport routes and convenience shops. If arriving by car, please do not park beyond the end of the Shed, adjacent the Canal as the space is always required by nearby residents for access and turning. Also please do not park alongside the Shed unless you are a blue badge holder. There is always plenty of parking nearby on Old Taunton Road - just a 2 minute walk away
Curious? What are you waiting for? Come and visit us. There's a hot mug of tea (or coffee) waiting ready and new friends expecting you!
UK Mens Shed Association
See the UKMSA web site here https://menssheds.org.uk for a wealth of information and a video about Mens Sheds in the UK.
Men’s Sheds - General
Men's Sheds started in Australia relatively recently, and have rapidly become a significant force in the English-speaking world. With nearly 600 Sheds now registered in the UK, the movement is growing fast. Each Shed is an autonomous, self governing entity, where the Shed members (Shedders) control and implement their own programme.
A Men’s Shed is a larger version of the typical man’s shed in the garden – but it's not just somewhere to keep the lawnmower. It's a place where a man feels at home and decides for himself what practical interests he wants to pursue.
A Men's Shed is a place of leisure where men come together to work and socialise over a cup of tea. A friendly place, where members share the tools, knowledge and resources they need to work on projects of their own choosing at their own pace. It's a place where skills are shared and learning is informal; where purpose, achievement and social interaction go together with individual pursuits and community projects.
Shed projects usually involve making or mending in wood (e.g. carpentry, joinery, turning, carving or furniture renovation) but may include many other activities. Members choose what they do. Reclamation, reuse and restoration feature strongly – some say that's true of the men too!